House III

Harmonizing Contemporary Living with Nature's Serenity

House III stands as a transitional marvel, skillfully embracing the interplay of light, scenic views, and organic materials. Its design seamlessly merges traditional and contemporary elements to create a harmonious living space that blurs the boundaries between indoors and nature. Through strategic use of natural materials, expansive windows, and thoughtfully placed openings, House III becomes a sanctuary where the beauty of the surroundings and the elegance of the interior coalesce into a captivating whole.



Los Gatos, California

Square Ft.

6,750 Sq Ft




Architecture and Interior Design




In Design


Designing House III presented several intriguing challenges that demanded innovative solutions. The first challenge was finding the perfect balance between traditional and contemporary elements to create a transitional space that seamlessly merges the two styles. Integrating ample natural light and optimizing scenic views while maintaining privacy was another crucial consideration, requiring the strategic placement of windows and openings. Ensuring the effective use of organic materials to complement the natural surroundings without compromising on durability and functionality posed an additional hurdle.